Real Estate News

Today's Real Estate News and Advice

Updated: September 9, 2023

Katrina's Destruction Will Likely Slow Economic Growth In Fourth Quarter
Freddie Mac today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) in which the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 5.71 percent, with an average 0.6 point, for the week ending September 8, 2005, unchanged from last week when it averaged 5.71 percent. Last year at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 5.83 percent. FULL STORY->

A Canadian Guide to Cleaning Up Water Damage
Canadians were fortunate to miss Hurricane Katrina, but across the country, this was a bad summer for flooding. The federal housing agency has issued a guide to cleaning up flood water damage in your home. FULL STORY->

Breathing New Life Into Older Downtowns
Highways and changing consumer preferences have made many small downtowns obsolete. One way back to life is through the old movie house. FULL STORY->

Grand Rapids: More Than Just Shoreline
Grand Rapids, Michigan, is boasting more than just miles of beautiful shoreline, say local Realtors. It is also boasting an "inviting" market. FULL STORY->

Too Few Homes Protected By Flood Insurance
Flood insurance isn't purchased by most home owners who should have it, but more widely available benefits for food and shelter can ease some grief -- if only temporarily. FULL STORY->

If Walls Could Talk
Forget wallpaper and other costly ways to give new life to your walls! With the vast array of products available today, you as a consumer can create more interesting and intriguing color effects without dishing out lots of money. FULL STORY->

The Sky Is the Limit in Las Vegas
A booming real estate market in Las Vegas in both the commercial and residential sectors shows no signs of slowing, and with 6,000 new residents each month -- the sky is the limit. FULL STORY->

Garages Count, But So Do Drives
Sellers don't get a second chance to make a first impression. So don't neglect the garage, or the driveway, for that matter. Lew Sichelman has the details. FULL STORY->

Free Shelter From The Storm
A grassroots effort to house those displaced by Hurricane Katrina -- for free -- may be overtaking the official effort to find homes, but the unprecedented expression of American generosity does raise some concerns. FULL STORY->

Ask the HOA Expert
How many members does it take to propose a governing document amendment? What can be done to increase a past due penalty? Richard Thompson answers these and other questions in this week's column. FULL STORY->

Wichita, Kansas, Upbeat About Housing With Return Of Aircraft Jobs
During the last 18 months, Wichita has seen an increase in aircraft industry orders and real estate sales. Are these increases connected? Wichita real estate agents believe so. FULL STORY->

Historically High Pending Sales Slip Slightly, Says NAR
Pending home sales declined slightly but remain historically high, according to the National Association of Realtors. FULL STORY->

Will Mortgage Deductions Be Reduced?
A presidential advisory panel is looking at ways to increase tax revenues -- they call it "reform" but you'll call it "expensive." Peter G. Miller comments. FULL STORY->

Katrina Disaster Spawns Tax Relief
Presidential Declared Disasters come with tax relief in the form of the possibility of quicker tax refunds, that could come in handy right now. Other federal agencies also offer assistance not related to tax relief. FULL STORY->

Canadian Captain Develops Unique Rental Properties
One Canadian businessman was not content to tackle one emerging trend -- he's got three on the go. PJ Wade introduces Captain Lance and his innovative intergenerational housing solution that will double as a source of pension income. FULL STORY->

A Balancing San Diego Market: Inventory Down
San Diego realtors report that the market is leveling. While prices may be on a moderate rise, inventories are low. FULL STORY->

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